Sunday, August 10, 2008

Unnecessarily Harsh?

Am I being unnecessarily harsh in my criticism of the Twilight series? Probably. As one of my daughters pointed out to me this morning, bad writing is nothing new. There have been horribly written books in the past. And she was right when she said that 10 years from now no one will much remember these awful books. Just a few die hard fans.

And who knows, the movie may be good enough that more of the books will be made into movies. I understand that Stephanie Meyer is not writing the movies, and unless they decide to go with some awful voice over narration type of thing the movie won't all be from Bella's point of view. Blessed relief! Bella is so boring and self centered, and her internal dialog is all about how Edward looks, so it is painful to read.

As you may have guessed, I don't much care for Bella, and really spent much of the first book hoping one of the vampires would indeed kill her. I know that is harsh, and not very nice of me, but there you have it.

Throughout all four of the books (okay, 3 and one quarter books) I kept hoping for something more. But every time there was a character or story line worth pursuing in more depth I was disappointed. More background on the vampire family that did not glorify or trivialize them? Nope. A more fulfilling relationship between Bella and Charlie? Any type of relationship between Bella and Charlie for that matter? Nope. Jacob coming to terms with the profound way his life changes and is no longer his own? Nope.

I have not bothered to read any fan fiction relating to this series of books, but one can only hope that somewhere out there, a writer with ability took Meyer's half hearted (arsed?) attempts at story telling and wrote a version of this story arc that approaches the potential that it truly has.

Perhaps when Meyer writes things from Edward's point of view (as I understand she has threatened to do) she will be able to tell the story in a better way. Hopefully the characters will not be as boring and flat as they are in the current series.

I'm glad that I took the opportunity to read theTwilight books, so that I could talk about them with my girls. I feel bad for all of the girls who are reading them without an adult to mitigate the negative influences. I'm also glad that my girls were able to recognize most of the flaws of these books on their own. That they believe they have worth outside of a man. That they know love is not stalking or obsession and that 17 is not nearly mature enough to know what love really feels like. That they have read enough well written "fun" books, and true works of literature that they could recognize these books for what they are. It has been fun to share thoughts about all of this with them. It also makes me wonder what other awful things I've let slip through as a parent...


Anonymous said...

No, I think you we're holding back. These books are begging for someone to make fun of them.

Jacque said...

they really are begging for it...

Anonymous said...

Hrash...I'd like to see you write twilight in a way that everyone would like to read it.How bella talks about edward is how any teenager her age would talk about him so stuff it. The characters are not boring and flat because if they were we would no nothing about them but we do so ha! I'm sorry that ur girls had to disscuss this with you because then they had to listen to you go on and on about how horrid it was. What if they liked it. Its a fantast fairy tale Stephanie meyer is not saying go get married and have a kid before ur twenty.

Jacque said...

This is such a funny comment- kinda makes my point for me....

Kate said...

I know it's stupid as this comment was left ages ago and I doubt she's ever coming back to check for a response to her comment, but I feel the strong urge to defend my mother.

I have never felt the need to hide my true feelings from my mother. She has always encouraged us to think for ourselves and challenge her opinions. She would never make me feel stupid or bad for thinking a certain way. She would ask to to back up my feelings, but that's part of an open discussion and more than half the fun.

I wonder if you don't have that sort of luxury in your life because of the way you assumed we just shut our mouths and let our mother tear down something we liked with no opposition. If that is the case, I am sorry for you. Everyone should have parents like mine who value your thoughts and are always making you think.

Also, not every teenager is a stupid, personality-less, misanthrope who idealizes the object of their affection and places them on a ridiculous pedestal. Bella Swan is an insult to teenage girls everywhere. And if that is the sort of "fairy tale" that you dig something is wrong with you. Their relationship is unhealthy and harmful to both parties involved. Well, now that Meyer has had them get married simply so they could have sex there is a child involved too. Poor thing is going to need therapy for her name alone.

Anyhow, I just thought I'd stand up for my mother. Also, there is this thing called spell check and it's your friend.